
Front page banner with pictures of medical devices, Banner also has the caption, "Healthcare on demand with leading-edge medical devices and world class diagnostics".

At SigmaCan, we are committed to increase access to innovative medical devices and superior diagnostics that will help improve treatment outcomes, facilitate regulatory compliance, and enhance health system sustainability.

Challenge accepted

Medical devices and diagnostics are our forte and we promise to deliver by being fast, responsive and reliable. We have the knowhow of device regulation and market insight in Canada and the Indian subcontinent with the experience to match. Trust us when you want to accelerate your business, we will support your endeavor.

Image showing Canadian flag and words printed. Title is "Access Canada" and text is, "Leverage your success and experience in medical devices and diagnostics by promoting your business in Canada" Also printed is a link to "Access Canada"

Access Canada

Leverage your success and experience in medical devices and diagnostic equipment by promoting your business in Canada.

Image with following text printed.
Title is "Access India" and text printed below is "Grow your business globally. Try India - it is the most prominent market in Asia today - We can take you there. Also printed in a button is a link to "Access India" specific page.

Access India

Grow your business globally. Try India – it is the most prominent market in Asia today – we can take you there.

Global market

Medical devices market in 2020

In 2020, the devices market was valued at US$419B, without invitro diagnostics. These devices range from bandages, toothbrushes and contact lenses to complex devices such as insulin pumps and pace makers. They also include diagnostic devices such cancer screening tests, blood glucose monitors to pregnancy tests.

Health Canada

Medical device categories in 2020
  • diagnostic imaging (MRI) (24%)
  • consumables (18%)
  • patient aids (pacemakers, hearing aids) (13%)
  • orthopedic products (10%)
  • dental products (7%), and
  • other medical equipment (28%).

Regulatory affairs and Consulting services

Image on Front page with following title printed, "Regulatory Compliance" and also the text printed below "Let our experts unravel the complexity of medical device licensing and maintenance while your team develops the enterprise strategy for product launch, sales, and ongoing support." Also printed in a button is a link to specific page "Regulatory Compliance"


Let our experts unravel the complexity of medical device licensing and maintenance while your team develops the enterprise strategy for product launch, sales, and ongoing support.

Image with Title Post-Market Support Services" and with following text printed, "Beyond regulatory assessments, our team will manage the annual license maintenance of your devices, validate distribution channels, facilitate market recalls and coordinate remediation". Also the button provides a link to the actual page called "Post Market Services"


Beyond regulatory assessments, our team will manage the annual license maintenance of your devices, validate distribution channels, facilitate market recalls and coordinate remediation.

Image with title "SaMD" meaning Software as a medical device. Also following text is printed, "Transform your ideas from smart blueprint designs to state of art medical devices in partnership with product development, leading system integration and software companies." Imgae also has a button that leads to the specific page called "Software as a medical device".


Transform your ideas from smart blueprint designs to state of art medical devices in partnership with product development, leading system integration and software companies.

Stay ahead of the game

Image with Title printed "Product Management". Also following text is printed, "You can depend on our capabilities to provide end-to-end product strategy with certification, licensing, compliance, distribution, sales, storage, maintenance, training, and ongoing support." Image also has a button leading to the specific page for "Product Management."

Product Management

You can depend on our capabilities to provide end-to-end product strategy with certification, licensing, compliance, distribution, sales, storage, maintenance, training, and ongoing support.

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